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The Programmatic Access Library (PAL) is a lightweight SDK that provide discrete access to targeting signals for Google Ad Manager programmatic ads.

Plugin Name: PALPlugin

Plugin Config Name: pal


storageConsentbooleantrueWhether PAL has purpose 1 consent to use identifiers and storage. The value needs to be determined by integrating with CMP (Consent Management Provider). This is set to false by default. If specified as true, PAL has consent from the user to use information like cookies, device IDs and advertising IDs. This value needs to be set to be IAB TCFv2 (Transparency and Consent Framework) compliant. (Defaults to false)
ppidstringtrueThe publisher provided identifier. (Defaults to empty string)
descriptionUrlstringtrueThe description URL of the content during which the ad will be played. (Defaults to the url that the video is playing)


LuraPlayer("player", {
plugins: {
ima: {
pal: {
storageConsent: true,
ppid: "12DJD92J02KXVLS9D817DCJ078S8F1J2",
descriptionUrl: "",
Placeholder for player